A place to read about exercise products, workouts, nutrition, and personal experiences
on the road to living a healthy fit life, one day at a time.


I'm waiting for more rain...only a few hours until downpour!

Today I didn't have to work. (Because it was time for the bi-annual dentist visit...but no need to go into detail there, my teeth are healthy if you're interested!) So I had plenty of time to procrastinate and then still work out.

My low back has been killllling me lately. Ever since I was at the work awards ceremony/dinner in Orlando and I had to sit backwards to the stage and I was twisted around, so after I jogged with the puppy, I decided to finally start doing some exercises for the 'ol back. Ugh.

I love working out but I hate when I have to do specific things. I know that I should do them, but they are by far the least fun things to do. I want RESULTS! Now, I can logically tell myself that strengthening my core will help my back, that stretching my hamstrings will stretch my back...but it is so much more satisfying to lift something heavy, pull something heavy, or run really fast (by my standards fast isn't that fast, btw). But I did them anyway.

Here was the workout for today:

Jog 1 mile
Supine Pelvic Tilts
Contralateral limb raises
Hip Adductor raises
Hip Abductor raises
Side Planks
Push Ups
Reverse Bent Knee Crunches
Regular Crunches
Downward Dog
Hamstring stretches

I'm splurging with the day off and the rain and making macaroni and cheese for lunch. But for dinner I'm making shrimp with Thai ginger carrots and green beans (the label from Trader Joe's refers to them as hericot verts, fancy!) and brown rice. If we forget that I ate Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast, then today has been a healthy day!

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